You Don't Have to Completely Change Your Life to Save Money

This blog is a resource to make smarter decisions (ones that will cost you less money). It's all about getting a deal and not paying full price. It's about doing what you are currently doing, but paying less to do it! I hope we'll be able to pool our ideas and all be able to get more for our money out of life!


Report card and spelling test rewards

When your kids receive their report cards, you can take them to get a "treat" for their good grades.

  • Krispy Kreme - Receive 6 free donuts at Krispy Kreme for a good report card
  • Limited Too - Receive $5 off a purchase at Limited Too for a good report card
  • Chuck E Cheese- Tokens For Grades: Up to a 15 token maximum, kids can receive 3 tokens for each "A", 2 tokens for each "B" and 1 token for each "C" on their report card.
  • Incredible Pizza - for a report card with A's and B's, you get a game card with some credit on it
  • Incredible Pizza - for a perfect spelling test, you get a $5 game card

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